We offer many different levels of classes from basic obedience, everyday dog manners to advance obedience, flyball, agility, tracking and more!
Learn to train your dog at a low cost with our experienced instructors.
We encourage you to stop by and watch our training in action. Bring your dog with you, to give him/her a chance to explore and acclimate. See our calendar page for class times and location.
You can register for Membership and the next Obedience Orientation and/or ask questions about club membership during our Membership Desk hours.
Membership Desk hours*
Sunday mornings from 9 AM to 10 AM and Wednesday evenings from 7 PM to 8 PM. See exceptions below.
We ask that you bring your dog with you to register. We do not take credit cards, so please bring cash or check to hold your spot in the next class.
*The membership desk will be closed on holidays, on Basic Class orientation days, and days when there is no training. For the schedule, check the MDTC calendar page.
Membership Desk location
Our training is indoor during the winter months and we are outdoors when we can be. The membership desk is located wherever the training is occurring. Check the MDTC calendar page for the current training location.
The Indoor Training Facility is located at 333 N 25th Street in Milwaukee, WI 53233
We recommend you use your map app to find us...25th St doesn't go through to St Paul Ave.
THe Outdoor Training Grounds is located at 4375 N. Humboldt Blvd Milwaukee, WI 53212
Call (414) 961-6163 for more information about our classes.
Class Requirements (all classes)
- Dogs must be licensed.
- Dogs must be current on all rabies, distemper and parvo shots.
- Proper equipment must be used. Most items, such as leashes or training collars, can be purchased at a low cost from the club.
OBEDIENCE: Dogs 6 months or older (all breeds, including mixed breeds) are accepted.
Puppy Class Create a bond with your puppy while you learn how to raise a healthy, happy, well-mannered dog! Puppies must be between 8-16 weeks old when the class starts, and must have their first set of vaccinations. This class meets on Mondays.
Get more details (i.e. class description, requirements, dates & times, etc.) on our Puppy Class page.
Basic Class Learn the necessary basic obedience commands and household manners.
Beginner Class Learn to expand on the basic commands. You will also learn off-leash heeling and the stand for exam.
Beginning Novice Class Learn off-leash exercises and recall work. An introduction to showing your dog in obedience will be covered.
Advanced Novice Class Learn how to fine tune your handling techniques for obedience competition.
Open Learn retrieving, jumping, and other advanced exercises. All work is done off-leash.
Utility Learn hand signals, scent exercises, and various retrieving exercises. This is the most advanced level of dog obedience. All work is done off-leash.
Our new classes start soon! Call 414-961-6163 to register.
Questions about Obedience? - Contact us at info@milwaukeedog.com
What Does That Title Mean?
With all the Show Wins that go into our monthly newsletters, many of you may be wondering what all of these title acronyms mean. Here is a short explanation of what the obedience titles are:
Novice: The first level, Novice, results in your dog earning a Companion Dog (CD) title. The title actually describes what is expected of your dog: demonstrating the skills required of a good canine companion. The dog will have to heel both on and off leash at different speeds, come when called, stay (still and quietly!) with a group of other dogs when told, and stand for a simple physical exam.
Open: The second level, Open, results in your dog earning a Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title. He must do many of the same exercises as in Novice, but off-leash and for longer periods. Additionally, there are jumping and retrieving tasks.
Utility: The final level results in a Utility Dog (UD) title. These are the cream of the crop. In addition to more difficult exercises, the dog also must perform scent discrimination tasks.
Other Titles: After finishing your UD, you can go on for more titles.
UDX: Utility Dogs that continue to compete and earn legs in both Open B and Utility B at 10 shows receive the title Utility Dog Excellent (UDX).
OTCh: To earn an Obedience Trial Champion title (OTCh) The dog and handler must win 100 points. To receive points, the dog must receive a 1st or 2nd place in Open or Utiliy B. Points are awarded based on place and the number of dogs competing in that class.
These titles are won through showing at American Kennel Club (AKC) obedience trials. Each exercise in each class is awarded points. You must receive 170 points or higher, out of a total of 200 points, to qualify. Each time your dog gets a qualifying score, he's gotten a "leg" toward his title. Three legs and your dog has become an Obedience-titled dog!
Read more about AKC titles and abbreviations at the American Kennel Club's website.
2024 New Class Start Dates |
Sunday, January 14th
Sunday, March 3rd
Sunday, April 21st
Sunday, June 16th
Sunday, July 28th
Sunday, September 8th
Sunday, October 20th
Sunday, December 8th
News and Events |
Useful Links:
American Kennel Club :: Dogs.About.com ::
Wisconsin Humane Society :: ASPCA :: Calling All Pets Archives (Radio Shows) ::
Dogs and More Dogs (Nova on PBS) :: Guide to Behavior Problems in Dogs