Learn positive techniques and activities to motivate your puppy and build his or her confidence... and yours! Our approach is simply "positive". During the 8-week session, we cover everything from potty training to basic obedience skills.
Here are a few examples from our syllabus: - Potty & Crate Training - Nutrition - Socialization (Puppy Play) - Training Games: * Motivation / Targeting * Loose Leash Walking * Focus & Attention * Come * Meet & Greet * Leave It * Touch it * On your rug - New Experiences (introducing your puppy to agility & medical equipment, etc.) - Grooming Tips - Regulations, Laws and Rules
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us via email at puppyclass@milwaukeedog.com.
See below for all the dates for the puppy classes. Class sizes are limited and fill up quickly, so register today! You can also view our MDTC calendar page for these dates.
New Requirements and Guidelines for MDTC Puppy Class. Puppies must be between 8 and 16-weeks (not older than 4 months) on the first day of class to enroll. |
Puppy Class April 2022
Puppy Class February 2022
Puppy Class: NOTE: These classes are on a “First come, First serve basis.” Once the 6:30pm class is full, applications will be placed on a wait list and contacted if a spot opens prior to orientation.
Puppy Class: 6:30-7:30pm on Mondays.
Pups must be between 8-16 weeks of age at the start of class (SOC) to be eligible to enroll. There are 10 working spots per class. Teams cannot be added after orientation.
Puppy Orientation (First Class 6:30-8:30pm) The first class is a Mandatory Attendance Required class for the handlers that have been confirmed a spot. Due to the large amount of information that is covered, we require that the puppies stay at home until class 2. If you are confirmed a spot and do not show up for orientation, you forfeit your spot.
Cost of class: $200 for the 8-week session. Payment in full at Orientation is required. Cash or check/money order only (made payable to MDTC).
**PAYMENTS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE** Should you decide not to participate in our class, your payment will be considered a donation to MDTC – a 501(c)3 organization – and you may request a donation letter for tax purposes.
Attendance Policy Two handlers per puppy are allowed. No switching of handlers can be allowed and no additional people will be allowed in the building to observe. There are no make- up classes.
Vaccinations: Shot records must be supplied at Orientation. Proof of first vaccinations/booster shots from Breeder or Vet are required for Bordetella (kennel cough), Distemper, Infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza and Parvo (DHPP). Rabies is NOT required for Puppy Class – most pups are too young.
Mask Requirements Masks are optional at this time – this may change based upon everchanging CDC guidelines – be prepared, bring a mask. Please be respectful of each other and personal space. Try to social distance when you can.
Glove Requirements Not mandatory but recommended during puppy play to protect from sharp teeth. Leather or gardening gloves work best.
Illness Policy Handlers and Instructors should not come to class if they are feeling ill or fear that they may have come in contact with someone ill. If you consider yourself to be immune compromised, you must make a decision for your own safety based on the parameters set for this class.
Class Cancellation It is rare that we have to cancel a class, but it could happen – especially due to cold weather. If we must cancel class, notification will be made as soon as the decision is made. We will work the material for that class into the remaining classes.
How Do I Register?
You can register for the next puppy class via the following:
NOTE: Please DO NOT fill out this form if your puppy was born BEFORE
July 8, 2024
You will need to join the Basic Obedience Class
Online Only: Fill out submit an Online Registration Form via our website. We will email you a confirmation when we receive your registration form, so please be sure to enter your email address correctly. All inquiries will receive a response.
Once your registration is reviewed and accepted, you will be contacted by our puppy class instructor with an informational letter along with directions for the first session. Your name will also be added to our class roster.
Useful Links:
http://marketplace.akc.org/puppies (online directory of breeders)